08 August 2011

The Slip n' Slide Died

It was a sad, sad day for the Curly-headed girl when she was told that the slip n' slide had breathed its last, for at least five minutes. You could just see the gears turning in her head. And we figured that since the lawn needed a break from the heat, she might as well talk us into it.

Although her sister didn't want anything to do with the business end of the hose, she did volunteer to spray everyone. None of the friends objected. You can see the progression, can't you? Photo one is held tentatively. In the next photo, she's leaning into it as far as she can.

Then she just had to get closer, so she is chasing people. And turning the hose to chase them with the water. She didn't last long. The next thing I knew, she was "letting" other people spray the hose, much like Tom Sawyer with his brush and whitewash, while she sprinted for the house.

Pretty soon, she emerged with her bathing suit on and joined in the fun. That's how she rolls these days. She has to decide whether or not she's too mature for such activities. Then, when the standing and watching grows too painful, she's all in. Love that girl! Love watching her figure out that it really doesn't matter what the maturity judges think. Sometimes you just have to live your own life.

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